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Pawnee Western
1957 | 4:3 | Color | Quality: Very Good
George Montgomery
Bill Williams
Lola Albright
A young white boy named Paul Fletcher(George Montgomery)is raised by a Pawnee Chief, Wise Eagle(Ralph Moody). Blue eyed Pale Arrow reaches manhood, and his future and loyalties will become tested when he takes a job as a scout for a wagon train of white folks headed through Pawnee territory. Tensions rise when peace-loving Wise Eagle dies leaving a war-minded Crazy Fox(Charles Horvath)taking over as leader of the tribe - and it just so happens that Crazy Fox has nourished a hatred against Pale Arrow, who was favored by his own father, stole his maiden, Dancing Fawn, and seems to have always bested him throughout his life. Any peace on the prairie will be blemished.
George Montgomery was a solid, leading man in many westerns of the fifties, and turns in his typically solid performance as the hero here. He is ably supported by such stalwarts of fifties westerns as Robert Griffin, Francis McDonald, Dabbs Greer, and Bill Williams. Lola Albright, an excellent, but underrated actress who later costarred on TV's Peter Gunn, gives a good performance as a young woman traveling with the wagon train, who comes between Bill Williams, the wagon master, and Montgomery. The direction is by George Waggner, who directed Wolfman and other horror films in the forties. Waggner is an old pro who moves the script along quickly and makes the cliches bearable while keeping the cast from going over the top in roles that could have easily become laughable. The film is greatly aided by a good cast of old pros, fast and knowing direction, and excellent color photography of the scenic west. The final clash between Pale Arrow ( Montgomery) and the Crazy Fox is quite stirring.
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